Cellphones density analysis
When acquiring raw data in the GSM bands, due to the large amount of phones within the field of view of the antenna, it is impossible to lock on a single signal and to demodulate it. However, it is possible to detect if there is cellphone activity in an area.
Using hardware representative of the flight equipment, acquire short duration samples (2s) to detect GSM transmission and evaluate the occupations of the channels. The goal is to characterize the activities.
Required skills
For the good realization of the project, it is recommended that the student have:
- Signal processing
- Programming skills in Python
- Ability to appraise and adapt the project to fulfill the needs of the Space Domain operation team
- A sense of responsibility to provide the work quality to be used for everyday applications
Place of work
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Campus, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Fluency in English, French spoken. This project is proposed as a collaboration with aerospacelab. The duration of the project is 6 months and can start asap.
Aerospacelab’s mission is supported by an ambitious vertically integrated approach: Intelligence and Insights empowered by proprietary satellite data, enabled by our own satellites. Since its creation in 2018, the company has already grown substantially.
In 2022, Aerospacelab counts offices in Mont-Saint-Guibert and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Bordeaux (France) and Lausanne (Switzerland) with more than 150 full-time employees, to position itself as the European leader in Geospatial Intelligence and small satellites platforms.